◆PEACE RUN 2025 ASIA(アジア)


昨年8月末に終えたPEACE RUN2024スペイン・ポルトガルの旅。バギーのトラブルや熱波のために、五大陸4万キロの中間地点にあと1000キロばかりのところで旅はフィニッシュ。




第3章ユーラシアのPART1〜2ではヨーロッパでしたが、円安傾向が落ち着くまではヨーロッパの旅はいったん中断。PEACE RUNでは初めて訪れることになるアジアはベトナム、カンボジア、タイを走る予定です。










Kay completed PEACE RUN Spain and Portugal in August,2024.


Due to the trouble of his buggy wheels and heat wave, he was not able to continue the trek 1,000 kilometers shorter than his planned route. And just 1,000km to the intermediate point of 40,000km on 5 continents.


He is planning a trek in Asia this spring. It's also a part of chapter 3 of PEACE RUN Eurasia. But his trek in Europe is over now. He says he will come back in Europe when Japanese yen gets stronger.


This is the first time Kay runs in Asia for PEACE RUN,  he plans to visit Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand.


The details of the plan will be announced later.


There will be so many things he has to do for this project before he leaves Japan.


Your continuous support and cooperation would be greatly appreciated!